Tadasana Sequence
Marichyasana sub-routine
Ardha-Padmasana sub-routine
Janu-sirasana sub-routine
Parsvakonasana sub-routine
Virabhadrasana sequence
Headstand 5min
Shoulder stand 3min
Paschimottanasana 5 min
Maha Mudra 5/5 min
One leg standing asana 5/5
Kaphalabhati 108
Nadi sodhana - 72 at 4:16:8:4
Iyengar Invocation
Yes. I'm not mixing it up too much as yet. Still working on bringing the posture/breath sequences into my body. So I'm not necessarily second guessing myself through the postures/breath. Once I have these sequences, I'll add another, and another...etc... Seems to be the best way to learn the postures.
Hm.....maybe I'll start working on the trikonasana subroutine...will call an audible while practicing. See how things go....