Surya namaskara
Marichyasana sub-routine
Konasana Sequence (entire)
Bharadvajasana I
Marichyasana III
Ardha matsyendrasana I
Headstand 5min
Shoulder stand 3min
Paschimottanasana 5 min
Maha Mudra 5/5 min
One leg standing asana 5/5min
Kaphalabhati 108
Nadi sodhana - 72 at 4:16:8:4
YS 1.1 - 1.2
Friday, October 16, 2015
Thursday, October 15, 2015
VK Rest Day 003
Tadasana Sequence
10 min supported sirsasana (iyengar 4 block set-up)
3 min slack sarvangasana
3 min salamba sarvangasana
5 min paschimottanasana
5/5 maha mudra
108 kapalabhati
20 min vilhoma
10 min supported sirsasana (iyengar 4 block set-up)
3 min slack sarvangasana
3 min salamba sarvangasana
5 min paschimottanasana
5/5 maha mudra
108 kapalabhati
20 min vilhoma
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
There are so many things to work on...so little time, actually, it's more my energy levels, but also time. It's always about finding the balance and channeling the energy where it needs to be. I left my job to work on getting healthy and focus on art. I'm giving a lot more time to yoga asana and the other aspects than I had planned.
That being said, there are physical things I would love to figure out how to work on...here's the check list:
padmasana w/o hands
smooth drop over and back up to shoulder stand
a solid/stable/easy 10 min free standing headstand
handstand (wild dream of press)
L-sit/lolasana/jump through/back
I'm sure there are more, these are the ones at the forefront.
These all take time to train the body and the mechanics. There are some similarities in these movements, postures. Just need to figure them out. Feel like muscular control and time are what is holding my body back...
That being said, there are physical things I would love to figure out how to work on...here's the check list:
padmasana w/o hands
smooth drop over and back up to shoulder stand
a solid/stable/easy 10 min free standing headstand
handstand (wild dream of press)
L-sit/lolasana/jump through/back
I'm sure there are more, these are the ones at the forefront.
These all take time to train the body and the mechanics. There are some similarities in these movements, postures. Just need to figure them out. Feel like muscular control and time are what is holding my body back...
RtB 010: 2015.10.14
Skill work: Pistols aka one leg purna utkatasana
lots of lunge stuff in there.
Front Squat
5 x 5 (PR on last set 75lbs)
4e single leg box squat
8e slow step-up
12 hollow rocks
lots of lunge stuff in there.
Front Squat
5 x 5 (PR on last set 75lbs)
4e single leg box squat
8e slow step-up
12 hollow rocks
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
TMYK 003: Props
{[Props are addictive - use props to make the pose accessible, not comfortable]}
Iyengar Level 2-3 : 2015.10.13
--> lift chest, open back of the knees to the floor
bharadvajasana I
--> great for lateral twisting of the spine; lift up from base of spine and rotate in pelvis, keep shoulders even chin in line with spine, use block at the base of the sacrum to help pull torso around
marichyasana III
--> w/o wall, block at sacrum to assist rotation of the torso; reach arm diagonally across and down body, rotating opposite side to outside thigh, pull calf away from hamstring to create more space in hip and increase rotation in the side body
ardha matsyendrasana I
--> key is to sit on heel, makes the posture a bit of a balance pose, bring extended leg in as close to the body as possible, creating a "tadasana" leg to press into the floor; turn trunk 90 degrees, bring arm pit over the knee, back hand continues to use block to aid in torso lift and rotation, (in LOY the hands are bound first) move top of first hand to under knee opening up wrist, again, pull calf away from hamsting.
adho mukha svansana
--> heels press down and back, edges parallel, open backs of thighs and draw up on shins
ardha uttansana
--> concave spine, drawing shoulders down and into the back
virabhandrasana I :||
--> step back from tadasana, classic foot heel/arch alignment; rotate and even hips, extend up through spine; forward fold over bent leg to extend spine, slowly raise up keeping length in the spine.
parsvottonasana --> parvritta trikonasana
--> step back from tadasana, strong rotation of back foot, both legs straight; press through back heel and around to outside of back foot, keeping extension of the hamstrings, draw back hip around to front and even hips, both hands to ground, move to parvritta trikonasana, adjusting hips as necessary.
salamba sirsasana
nirambla sirsasana (prep)
--> start with arms for sirsasana II, legs for wide ams, extend up through crown of the head drawing shoulders down back, hands to ropes, then lifting up through finger tips, one hand down at a time.
urdhva muhka svasana :|| 3
--> 2 times on balls of feet, 1 time on top of feet
ustrasana :|| 3
--> narrow feet as move through progression, lift chest to ceiling draw shoulders down the back, opening collar bones.
sarvangasana to setu bhandasana with wall
--> new coordination to work on, drop overs and back to shoulder stand. hop down wall, key is not to settle into the bottom of the movement. not so bad at finding my position in space just the engagement/coordination in the front body.
chair supported halasana to karnapindasana
--> knees either side of ears, bend knees to drop towards floor.
--> with tip of cone rolled blanket under tailbone to broaden and settle sacrum from back bending.
--> lift chest, open back of the knees to the floor
bharadvajasana I
--> great for lateral twisting of the spine; lift up from base of spine and rotate in pelvis, keep shoulders even chin in line with spine, use block at the base of the sacrum to help pull torso around
marichyasana III
--> w/o wall, block at sacrum to assist rotation of the torso; reach arm diagonally across and down body, rotating opposite side to outside thigh, pull calf away from hamstring to create more space in hip and increase rotation in the side body
ardha matsyendrasana I
--> key is to sit on heel, makes the posture a bit of a balance pose, bring extended leg in as close to the body as possible, creating a "tadasana" leg to press into the floor; turn trunk 90 degrees, bring arm pit over the knee, back hand continues to use block to aid in torso lift and rotation, (in LOY the hands are bound first) move top of first hand to under knee opening up wrist, again, pull calf away from hamsting.
adho mukha svansana
--> heels press down and back, edges parallel, open backs of thighs and draw up on shins
ardha uttansana
--> concave spine, drawing shoulders down and into the back
virabhandrasana I :||
--> step back from tadasana, classic foot heel/arch alignment; rotate and even hips, extend up through spine; forward fold over bent leg to extend spine, slowly raise up keeping length in the spine.
parsvottonasana --> parvritta trikonasana
--> step back from tadasana, strong rotation of back foot, both legs straight; press through back heel and around to outside of back foot, keeping extension of the hamstrings, draw back hip around to front and even hips, both hands to ground, move to parvritta trikonasana, adjusting hips as necessary.
salamba sirsasana
nirambla sirsasana (prep)
--> start with arms for sirsasana II, legs for wide ams, extend up through crown of the head drawing shoulders down back, hands to ropes, then lifting up through finger tips, one hand down at a time.
urdhva muhka svasana :|| 3
--> 2 times on balls of feet, 1 time on top of feet
ustrasana :|| 3
--> narrow feet as move through progression, lift chest to ceiling draw shoulders down the back, opening collar bones.
sarvangasana to setu bhandasana with wall
--> new coordination to work on, drop overs and back to shoulder stand. hop down wall, key is not to settle into the bottom of the movement. not so bad at finding my position in space just the engagement/coordination in the front body.
chair supported halasana to karnapindasana
--> knees either side of ears, bend knees to drop towards floor.
--> with tip of cone rolled blanket under tailbone to broaden and settle sacrum from back bending.
Monday, October 12, 2015
VK Rest day 002
Tadasana Sequence
10 min supported sirsasana (iyengar 4 block set-up)
3 min slack sarvangasana
3 min salamba sarvangasana
5 min paschimottanasana
5/5 maha mudra
108 kapalabhati
20 min vilhoma
10 min supported sirsasana (iyengar 4 block set-up)
3 min slack sarvangasana
3 min salamba sarvangasana
5 min paschimottanasana
5/5 maha mudra
108 kapalabhati
20 min vilhoma
RtB 009: 2015.10.12
Skill: Backward Roll to Candlestick
progression 2 legs to single for pistol prep.
progression 2 legs to single for pistol prep.
Deadlift 70lbs
* 5e SL RDL (DB)
* 10e SL Elevated Hip Thrust
* 20 alt SA KB Swing
3x45s Side Plank
* 5e SL RDL (DB)
* 10e SL Elevated Hip Thrust
* 20 alt SA KB Swing
3x45s Side Plank
Friday, October 9, 2015
True Rest
Taking the next fews days off from all stuff, have a couple classes to teach and fending off a cold.
Likely back to moving some on Monday.
Likely back to moving some on Monday.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
VK Rest Day 001
Tadasana Sequence
10 min supported sirsasana (iyengar 4 block set-up)
3 min slack sarvangasana
3 min salamba sarvangasana
5 min paschimottanasana
5/5 maha mudra
108 kapalabhati
20 min vilhoma
10 min supported sirsasana (iyengar 4 block set-up)
3 min slack sarvangasana
3 min salamba sarvangasana
5 min paschimottanasana
5/5 maha mudra
108 kapalabhati
20 min vilhoma
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
RtB 008: 2015.10.07
I go to the gym too - for general skill work. Helps me round out all the yoga asana.
skill 1: L-it in Rings
skill 2: Ballet basics
7min EMOM *3 Pull-ups (alt grip)
3r (4Q)
* 4 bar rows
* 8e SA Prone DB Row
* 20s (e) Paloff Press
I go to the gym too - for general skill work. Helps me round out all the yoga asana.
skill 1: L-it in Rings
skill 2: Ballet basics
7min EMOM *3 Pull-ups (alt grip)
3r (4Q)
* 4 bar rows
* 8e SA Prone DB Row
* 20s (e) Paloff Press
TMYK 002: Anatomy
The elbows are the knees of the arms.
Ever think of it this way?
Ever think of it this way?
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Iyengar Level 2-3 : 2015.10.06
(still need to work on this - getting there, need to put more daily time into this, would like to be able to both understand and properly pronounce by end of October - at least close to the Ashtanga Invocation)
jathara parivartanasana with urdhva prasarita padasana I and eka pada jp as prep.
--> prep moving through various leg combinations, building to JP. Use sandbags to stabilize shoulders. Move upper hip away from shoulder to bring feet even. Changing angle of the legs as they cross the body change which parts of the abdominal muscles utilized. In LOY - Iyengar says "This asana is good for reducing excess fat. It tones and eradicates slugishness of the liver, spleen, and pancreas...By its regular practice all the abdominal organs are kept trim." (LOY 239-240) use bottom leg to lift top leg up.
adho mukha vajrasana to adho mukha svanasana
--> shorten more than normal or use board/sandbag under heels to give the heels something to press down and into, lifting upper thigh bones out of the back of the legs.
utthita hasta padangustasana
--> descend to ascend standing leg, roll outside hip of lifted leg down, press through heel to ball of foot and toes to lift leg higher. focuses on strengthening quads, foot is light
parvritta utthita hasta padangustasana
--> use wall for balance, for distance fingertips brush against wall. same standing leg set-up, lift bend knee take hold of outside of foot with opposite hand, descend to ascend inhale lengthen, exhale twist, shoulders even, pull down with back hand to lift and spread collar bones.
adho mukha vrksasana
--> my backbending love still comes through, strong back and lower ribs migrate out from the rib cage. need to work on lifting through base of calcaneus, lifting the skin of the fee, pulling up with the anterior tibialis, pulling femus heads in, working with those gluts and oh, yeah...UDDIYANA
parsvaika sirasana
--> need to get off the blocks, if only this asthma flare would only clear up...anyways, this is hard! like in UHP, stabilize through "standing leg" rotate out other leg from deep in the hip socket, quad pulls down leg, while hamstring pulls up, weight of foot providing ballast. noticed there is a shift in weight on the forearms and need to ground down more on the side with the leg that is coming down to the side. (like in JP, need to redirect weight more to shoulder of top leg).
upvistha konasana
--> love love love love sandbags, at the hip creases. sit on center/front of sit bones, not allowing the shift to the back, one line from hip socket through to foot, draw in head of the femur, knees point up to ceiling, spine extends up and out of the pelvis, gaze goes up, exhale bend forward from hip crease, bringing torso as close to floor as possible. inhale come up release both feet, exhale rotate torso from base of spine, hold one foot with both hands, inhale extend spine, exhale fold torso over leg really rotating belly, chin comes to knee. it's like a wide angle janu sirsasana.
catushpadasana prep for sarvangasana to setu bhandasana
--> and those pesky sarvangasana drop downs and up. apparently, these are supposed to be easier than standing dropbacks. working with one leg and added height from a blanket is helpful, but two legs are the same time is still difficult for me and quite tiring, almost managed three successive with rope assistance. bring hands as far up the back as possible, bend knees allow feet to become heavy, curling spine over hands, gently placing feet on ground and immediately lifting up.
halasana to karnapindasana
--> knees either side of ears, hands to outside of feet.
(still need to work on this - getting there, need to put more daily time into this, would like to be able to both understand and properly pronounce by end of October - at least close to the Ashtanga Invocation)
jathara parivartanasana with urdhva prasarita padasana I and eka pada jp as prep.
--> prep moving through various leg combinations, building to JP. Use sandbags to stabilize shoulders. Move upper hip away from shoulder to bring feet even. Changing angle of the legs as they cross the body change which parts of the abdominal muscles utilized. In LOY - Iyengar says "This asana is good for reducing excess fat. It tones and eradicates slugishness of the liver, spleen, and pancreas...By its regular practice all the abdominal organs are kept trim." (LOY 239-240) use bottom leg to lift top leg up.
adho mukha vajrasana to adho mukha svanasana
--> shorten more than normal or use board/sandbag under heels to give the heels something to press down and into, lifting upper thigh bones out of the back of the legs.
utthita hasta padangustasana
--> descend to ascend standing leg, roll outside hip of lifted leg down, press through heel to ball of foot and toes to lift leg higher. focuses on strengthening quads, foot is light
parvritta utthita hasta padangustasana
--> use wall for balance, for distance fingertips brush against wall. same standing leg set-up, lift bend knee take hold of outside of foot with opposite hand, descend to ascend inhale lengthen, exhale twist, shoulders even, pull down with back hand to lift and spread collar bones.
adho mukha vrksasana
--> my backbending love still comes through, strong back and lower ribs migrate out from the rib cage. need to work on lifting through base of calcaneus, lifting the skin of the fee, pulling up with the anterior tibialis, pulling femus heads in, working with those gluts and oh, yeah...UDDIYANA
parsvaika sirasana
--> need to get off the blocks, if only this asthma flare would only clear up...anyways, this is hard! like in UHP, stabilize through "standing leg" rotate out other leg from deep in the hip socket, quad pulls down leg, while hamstring pulls up, weight of foot providing ballast. noticed there is a shift in weight on the forearms and need to ground down more on the side with the leg that is coming down to the side. (like in JP, need to redirect weight more to shoulder of top leg).
upvistha konasana
--> love love love love sandbags, at the hip creases. sit on center/front of sit bones, not allowing the shift to the back, one line from hip socket through to foot, draw in head of the femur, knees point up to ceiling, spine extends up and out of the pelvis, gaze goes up, exhale bend forward from hip crease, bringing torso as close to floor as possible. inhale come up release both feet, exhale rotate torso from base of spine, hold one foot with both hands, inhale extend spine, exhale fold torso over leg really rotating belly, chin comes to knee. it's like a wide angle janu sirsasana.
catushpadasana prep for sarvangasana to setu bhandasana
--> and those pesky sarvangasana drop downs and up. apparently, these are supposed to be easier than standing dropbacks. working with one leg and added height from a blanket is helpful, but two legs are the same time is still difficult for me and quite tiring, almost managed three successive with rope assistance. bring hands as far up the back as possible, bend knees allow feet to become heavy, curling spine over hands, gently placing feet on ground and immediately lifting up.
halasana to karnapindasana
--> knees either side of ears, hands to outside of feet.
Monday, October 5, 2015
VK 003 : practice plan 2015.10.05
Tadasana Sequence
Marichyasana sub-routine
Ardha-Padmasana sub-routine
Janu-sirasana sub-routine
Parsvakonasana sub-routine
Virabhadrasana sequence
Headstand 5min
Shoulder stand 3min
Paschimottanasana 5 min
Maha Mudra 5/5 min
One leg standing asana 5/5
Kaphalabhati 108
Nadi sodhana - 72 at 4:16:8:4
Iyengar Invocation
Yes. I'm not mixing it up too much as yet. Still working on bringing the posture/breath sequences into my body. So I'm not necessarily second guessing myself through the postures/breath. Once I have these sequences, I'll add another, and another...etc... Seems to be the best way to learn the postures.
Marichyasana sub-routine
Ardha-Padmasana sub-routine
Janu-sirasana sub-routine
Parsvakonasana sub-routine
Virabhadrasana sequence
Headstand 5min
Shoulder stand 3min
Paschimottanasana 5 min
Maha Mudra 5/5 min
One leg standing asana 5/5
Kaphalabhati 108
Nadi sodhana - 72 at 4:16:8:4
Iyengar Invocation
Yes. I'm not mixing it up too much as yet. Still working on bringing the posture/breath sequences into my body. So I'm not necessarily second guessing myself through the postures/breath. Once I have these sequences, I'll add another, and another...etc... Seems to be the best way to learn the postures.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
VK 002 : practice plan 2015.09.30
Surya namaskara
Marichyasana sub-routine
Parsvakonasana sub-routine
Virabhadrasana sequence
Ardha-Padmasana sub-routine
Padmasana sub-routine
Headstand 5min
Shoulder stand 3min
Paschimottanasana 5 min
Maha Mudra 5/5 min
One leg standing asana 5/5
Kaphalabhati 108
Nadi sodhana - 72 at 4:16:8:4
Iyengar Invocation
Surya namaskara
Marichyasana sub-routine
Parsvakonasana sub-routine
Virabhadrasana sequence
Ardha-Padmasana sub-routine
Padmasana sub-routine
Headstand 5min
Shoulder stand 3min
Paschimottanasana 5 min
Maha Mudra 5/5 min
One leg standing asana 5/5
Kaphalabhati 108
Nadi sodhana - 72 at 4:16:8:4
Iyengar Invocation
TMYK 001: Asana
TMYK (the more you know)
There is actually a name for the fingers interlaced, palms turned up?
Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana.
There is actually a name for the fingers interlaced, palms turned up?
Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana.
Iyengar Level 2-3 : 2015.09.29
yogena cittasya padena vacam
malam sarirasya ca vaidyakena
yopakarottam pravaram muninam
patanjalim pranjaliranato’smi
sankha cakrasi dharinam
sahasra sirasam svetam
pranamami patanjalim
hari om
adho mukha vajrasana
adho mukha svanasana - long, ok for heels to raise from ground
utthita uttansana - shoulders into back, lift chest.
rope work: first use upper rope to get lift, compare with using lower rope to help rotation of the hips and lengthening of the side body. long rope to deepen extension of the side waist in preparation for twist. side of back foot to block, pull forward with "horse shoes" of the feet
utthita parsvokonasana - lift up thigh bone of the back leg, keeping leg straight
parivrtta trikonasana - rotate heel some on block press back of heel into block
parivrtta parsvokonasana - rotate onto ball of back foot press heel into block.
counter posture hands on ropes hips back from feet
sirsasana - front body collapsing, broaden lower ribs to pull back thighs to open front body, lift up from shoulders
marichyasana III - sitting on folded blanket to give height, near wall to assist with torso rotation, assist bend in knee, move foot in, tuck toes under extended leg, inhale arm up and reach arm pit as far across bent leg as possible, tucking into leg, other hand to wall, pulling down to raise and rotate torso, both elbows drop.
repeat 3 x, on third, hand of arm at bent knee goes to extended leg shin
catushpadasana - blocks at wall, seat in towards heels, slide balls of feet down blocks to floor, press into ground, lift hips, shift one shoulder under, shift second under lift hips, chest comes towards chin:|| on second, place feet on top of blocks sliding balls of the feet down wall, move shins away from the wall, bringing chest closer to chin
salamba sarvangasana - open back of legs, bring thighs in line.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
VK 001 : practice plan 2015.09.28
First practice back from study with Srivatsa Ramaswami at Chicago Yoga Center:
Tadasana Sequence
Marichyasana sub-routine
Ardha-Padmasana sub-routine
Janu-sirasana sub-routine
Padmasana sub-routine
Headstand 5min
Shoulder stand 3min
Paschimottanasana 5 min
Maha Mudra 5/5 min
One leg standing asana
Kaphalabhati 108
Nadi sodhana - 72 at 4:16:8:4
YS 1.1
Tadasana Sequence
Marichyasana sub-routine
Ardha-Padmasana sub-routine
Janu-sirasana sub-routine
Padmasana sub-routine
Headstand 5min
Shoulder stand 3min
Paschimottanasana 5 min
Maha Mudra 5/5 min
One leg standing asana
Kaphalabhati 108
Nadi sodhana - 72 at 4:16:8:4
YS 1.1
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